
议程Agenda|首届计算法学论坛·The First Computational Law Forum


The First Computational Law Forum:

Disciplinary Development and Talent Cultivation





Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech


      Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:申卫星 (清华大学法学院院长、教授)

  • Moderator: SHEN Weixing, Dean & Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 王希勤(清华大学常务副校长):开幕致辞

  • WANG Xiqin, Deputy President of Tsinghua University

  • 徐显明(全国人大监察和司法委员会副主任委员):主旨发言

  • XU Xianming, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory and Judicial Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

  • 张述元(最高人民法院副院长):主旨发言

  • ZHANG Shuyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court of P.R.C

  • 张雪樵(最高人民检察院副检察长):主旨发言

  • ZHANG Xueqiao, Deputy Prosecutor-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of P.R.C


Opening Ceremony of Institute for Studies on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Tsinghua University


  Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:崔国斌(清华大学法学院副院长、副教授)

  • Moderator: CUI Guobin, Vice Dean and Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • 王希勤常务副校长、徐显明副主任委员、张述元副院长、张雪樵副检察长以及清华大学法学院、计算机系、软件学院、社科学院共建院系等代表共同揭牌

  • WANG Xiqin, XU Xianming, ZHANG Shuyuan, ZHANG Xueqiao, and representatives of School of Law, Department of Computer Science Technology, School of Software, School of Social Sciences, etc.


Group Photos & Tea Break




Panel I Interdisciplinary and Practice Integrated Computational Law


  Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:刘晗(清华大学法学院院长助理、副教授)

  • Moderator: LIU Han, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 申卫星(清华大学法学院院长、教授)

  • 计算法学作为一门新兴学科:内涵与外延

  • SHEN Weixing, Dean & Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • Computational Law as a New Discipline:Connotation and Extension

  • 张小劲(清华大学社科学院教授)

  • 计算法学的起源与发展

  • ZHANG Xiaojin, Professor, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University

  • Origination and Development of Computational Law

  • Jane Aiken(乔治城大学法学院教授)

  • 对抗制的消亡:深伪和证据规则是后真相时代的又一牺牲品吗

  • Jane Aiken, Professor, Georgetown Law School

  • The Demise of the Adversary System?  Deep Fakes and the Rules of Evidence Yet Another Casualty in a Post-Truth Age

  • 俞思瑛(阿里巴巴集团副总裁)

  • 为了无法计算的价值

  • YU Siying, Vice President of Alibaba

  • For the Incalculable Value

  • 何帆(最高人民法院司改办规划处处长)

  • 如何推动计算法学与司法改革深度融合

  • HE Fan, Director of the Judicial Reform Office of the Supreme People's Court of P.R.C

  • How to Promote In-depth Integration of Computational Law and Judicial Reform

  • 张雯(北京互联网法院院长)

  • 互联网审判模式现状及实践思考

  • ZHANG Wen, President of Beijing Internet Court

  • Current Situation and Practical Thinking of the Internet Trial

  • 杜前(杭州互联网法院院长)

  • 信息科技的新应用与司法实践的新发展

  • DU Qian, President of Hangzhou Internet Court

  • New Application of Information Technology and New Development of Judicial Practice

  • 屠剑威(蚂蚁金服副总裁)

  • 蚂蚁金服在科技金融领域的探索

  • TU Jianwei, Vice President, Ant Financial Services Group

  • Ant Financial Services Group’s Exploration in the Technical Financial Area

  • 梁志祥(百度集团副总裁)

  • 人工智能时代的法律人才新思维

  • LIANG Zhixiang, Vice President, Baidu

  • New Thoughts of Legal Talent in the Artificial Intelligence Era

  • 罗立凡 (微软亚太研发集团法律事务总经理)

  • 计算法学与社会责任

  • LUO Lifan, General Manager, Asia R&D Group Legal Dept., Microsoft

  • Computational Law and Social Responsibility


  • 与谈人 Panelists:

  • 於兴中(康奈尔大学法学院教授)

  • YU Xingzhong, Professor, Cornell Law School

  • 程洁(清华大学法学院副教授)

  • CHENG Jie, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law 






Panel II Computational Law as a New Subject


  Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:蒋舸(清华大学法学院副教授)

  • Moderator: JIANG Ge, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 刘晗(清华大学法学院院长助理、副教授)

  • 寻找身份:泛信息化时代的法学教育

  • LIU Han, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • Seeking Identity: Legal Education in the Pan-Information Age


  • 丁晓东(中国人民大学法学院副教授)

  • 从法律与科技看未来法学

  • DING Xiaodong, Associate Professor, School of Law, Renmin University of China

  • Viewing the Future of Law from the Perspective of Law and Technology


  • Ryan Whalen(香港大学助理教授)

  • 计算法学研究的兴起

  • Ryan Whalen, Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong

  • The Emergence of Computational Legal Studies


  • Tony Lai(斯坦福大学法律信息中心)

  • 和平、繁荣和多中心治理:计算法学何在自动化和技术变革的时代帮助人们

  • Tony Lai,Entrepreneurial Fellow, Stanford Center for Legal Informatics (CodeX)

  • Peace, Prosperity, and Polycentric Governance: How Computational Law can help People in an Age of Automation and Technological Change


  • 张妮(四川大学法学院法律大数据实验室副研究员)

  • 计算法学:法学可以被计算吗

  • ZHANG Ni, Associate researcher, Legal Big Data Lab, School of Law, Sichuan University

  • Computational Law: Is Law Computable


  • Dazza Greenwood(麻省理工学院教授)

  • 通过互操作性服务接口将法律和法律过程表述为标准数据

  • Dazza Greenwood, Professor, MIT

  • Expressing Law and Legal Processes as Standard Data Through Interoperable Service Interfaces


  • 熊定中(清华大学法学院互联网法律与政策研究中心秘书长)

  • 计算法学学科的培养方向和前景

  • XIONG Dingzhong, Secretary General, Internet Law and Policy Center, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • Cultivation Direction and Prospect of the Computational Law Subject


  • 与谈人Panelists:

  • 申卫星(清华大学法学院院长、教授)

  • SHEN Weixing, Dean & Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law



Panel III Legal Profession Intelligent Aid Technology and Practice


  Room 111 of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:张敏(清华大学计算机系长聘副教授)

  • Moderator: ZHANG Min, Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 赵晓力(清华大学法学院副教授)

  • 机器学习与司法经验的传播

  • ZHAO Xiaoli, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • Machine Learning and the Spread of Legal Experience


  • 邓松(江西财经大学软件学院系主任、副教授)

  • 刑事智能量刑系统的开发与应用

  • DENG Song, Dean and Associate Professor, School of Software, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

  • Development and Utilization of Intelligent Criminal Sentencing System


  • Anthony Niblett(多伦多大学副教授)

  • 利用机器学习预测关于合理期限通知的裁决

  • Anthony Niblett, Associate Professor, University of Toronto

  • Using Maching Learning to Predict Reasonable Notice Awards


  • 冯君(精友国际信息科技(北京)有限公司总裁)

  • 社会多元化调解司法模式创新——道交网上数据一体化平台

  • FENG Jun, President, Jingyou Technology Group

  • Social Diversified Mediation Innovation—Road Transportation Online Data Integration Platform


  • 邹劭坤(北京华宇元典信息服务有限公司总经理)

  • 法律智能科技助力法治中国

  • ZOU Shaokun, CEO of Huayu Yuandian

  • Efforts of Legal Intelligent Technology in Rule of Law in China


  • Jonathan Askin(布鲁克林大学法学院教授)

  • 数字时代的律师教育与演进

  • Jonathan Askin, Professor, Brooklyn Law School

  • The Education and Evolution of the Lawyer in the Digital Age

  • 林洁(PayPal高级法律顾问)

  • 信息时代法务工作者的机遇和挑战—Fintech领域为例

  • LIN Jie, Senior Legal Consultant, PayPal

  • Law Practitioners’ Opportunities and Challenges in the Information Era—Taking Fintech Area as an Example


  • 与谈人 Panelists:

  • 刘江(科大讯飞股份有限公司副总裁、政法事业群执行总裁)

  • LIU Jiang: Vice President of IFLYTEK Co., Ltd. & CEO of Legal and Political Business Group


Tea Break




Penal IV Legal Issues of Big Data Application


  Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:邓辉(江西财经大学副校长、教授)

  • Moderator: DENG Hui, Vice President & Professor, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics


  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 王文华(北京外国语大学法学院教授)

  • 数据的刑事立法与司法保护若干问题研究

  • WANG Wenhua, Professor, Law School of Beijing Foreign Studies University

  • A Research on the Criminal Legislation and Judicial Protection on Data

  • Sarah Pearce(普衡律师事务所合伙人)

  • 不断发展的科技所带来的数据保护问题和挑战

  • Sarah Pearce,Paul Hastings LLP.

  • Data protection issues and challenges posed by advancing technology


  • 吴沈括(北京师范大学法学院副教授)

  • 欧盟非个人数据治理新框架

  • WU Shenkuo, Associate Professor, Law School of Beijing Normal University

  • A New Framework on Governance of Non-Personal Data in EU


  • 段晓蓉(华为全球云业务首席法律专家)

  • 大数据发展中数据流通的困境与思考

  • DUAN Xiaorong, Chief Legal Expert of HUAWEI Global Cloud Business

  • Dilemma and Reflections on Data Flowing in Big Data Development


  • 王绍斌(亚马逊首席信息安全顾问)

  • 信息时代引发的几个法律问题探讨

  • WANG Shaobin, Chief Information Security Officer, AWS GCR

  • A Discussion on Some Law Issues in the Information Era


  • Paolo Davide Farah(西弗吉尼亚大学教授)

  • 大数据和算法时代的国际环境协定

  • Paolo Davide Farah, Professor, West Virginia University

  • International Environmental Agreements in the Age of Big Data and Algorithms


  • 与谈人 Panelists:

  • 王方(西南财经大学中国法律大数据研究中心副主任)

  • WANG Fang, Deputy Director of Chinese Big Data Research Center on Law of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics



Panel V Legal Issues of Artificial Intelligence Technology


  Room 111 of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:刘云(清华大学法学院助理研究员、博士后)

  • Moderator: LIU Yun, Research Assistant & Post-doctor,  Tsinghua University School of Law


  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 高丝敏(清华大学法学院院长助理、副教授)

  • 智能投资顾问模式中的主体识别和义务设定

  • GAO Simin, Assistant Dean & Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • Identification of the Obligor and Duty Construction in the Robo-Financial Advisor Mode


  • 李亚虹(香港大学副教授)

  • AI作品和发明的知识产权保护中的关键问题

  • Yahong Li, Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong

  • Key issues in IP protection for AI Generated Works and Inventions


  • Daniel Seng(新加坡国立大学副教授)

  • 用机器语言研究机器语言:千年数字版权的实施

  • Daniel Seng, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

  • Using ML to Investigate ML: The Enforcement of the Digital Millennium Copyright


  • 王新锐(安理律师事务所高级合伙人)

  • 从网络法的发展脉络看人工智能的法律问题

  • WANG Xinrui, Partner, ANLI Partners

  • Legal Issues on AI from the Perspective of Internet Law Development Process


  • 张天泽(联合国日内瓦办公室项目顾问)

  • 计算法学的创新对法律服务标准化的变革性潜力

  • ZHANG Tianze, Consultant at United Nations Office of Geneva

  • Standardization of Lawyers' Service: Innovation with Disruptive Potential in Computational Law


  • 与谈人 Panelists:

  • 吴伟光(清华大学法学院副教授)

  • WU Weiguang, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law



Closing Ceremony: Legal Education and Talent Cultivation in Age of Intelligence


Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)


  • 主持人:崔国斌(清华大学法学院副院长、副教授)

  • Moderator: CUI Guobin, Vice Dean & Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

  • 发言人 Speakers:

  • 林维(中国社科院大学副校长、教授)

  • LIN Wei, Vice President & Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


  • 龙卫球(北京航空航天大学法学院院长、教授)

  • LONG Weiqiu, Dean & Professor, Law School, Beihang University


  • 申卫星(清华大学法学院院长、教授):闭幕致辞

  • SHEN Weixing, Dean & Professor, Tsinghua University School of Law

报名方式 Enrollment


Please scan the QR code to sign up for the forum.


Dec. 15, 2018



Moot Court of the Law library (the Leo KoGuan Building)

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